The fauna of Vendicari

Vendicari is definitely among the Italian areas of major interest from the point of ornithology.

Its geographical position makes it an ideal place to stop, forming a sort of long bridge toward Africa, a privileged way for the migratory flows to and from northern Europe in autumn and spring.

Vendicari, one of the last coastal wetlands of south-eastern Sicily is a true jewel of nature, a paradise for mud-dwelling birds and aquatic birds that are the first landing after the spring migration along the Mediterranean sea and consequently the last refreshment before wintering autumn.

Bird-watching enthusiasts have tons of choices  (Learn more about birdwatching)!

According to the seasons, the rains and the temperatures, ornithological sightings in Vendicari are always relevant but month by month, the species observed vary.

Gray Herons
Gray Herons
"Cavaliere d'Italia"
"Cavaliere d'Italia"
Caretta Caretta turtles
Caretta Caretta turtles

The month of December, as well as the spring season, is the most interesting period. The waters of Pantani, in fact, welcome in large number the Coots, Royal Swans, Wild Gooses, Wigeons, Teals and Mallards.

The species that in numerical terms assume a considerable importance and certainly is the Shelduck, which has become one of the symbols of the reserve, and is a commodious every year in Vendicari.

In the summer there are Gray Herons, Little Egrets, Terns and large flocks of Gulls, while at the beginning of the autumn arrive Flamingos, whose presence increases from year to year.
Between the nesting species the Tufetto, the Bittern and the Cavaliere d’Italia are present.

In addition to birds, in Vendicari there are amphibians such as the golden toad (Bufo siculus), halophilous and much more rare of the common toad (Bufo Bufo); among the reptiles it’s easy to meet the rat snake (Hierophis viridiflavus), a serpent of medium size, the coluber ( (Elaphe Situla ) and the Sicilian turtle (Emys trinacris).

After over 20 years from the last witness, the Caretta Caretta turtles are also returned to the nest: an important signal as a confirmation that Vendicari’s territory is protected from the action of wild men, an essential condition for the reproduction of these protected species.

Among the mammals there are foxes, hedgehogs, porcupines and wild rabbits.
Among the species of the rich entomofauna it’s declared the presence of two cicindele: Lophyra flexuosa circumflexa and Calomera littoralis nemoralis.

Riserva Vendicari