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Vendicari Reserve

Sveva Tower of Vendicari

The tower of Vendicari is situated on the shore of the bay of Vendicari, in a very charming context, with the ruins of the ancient tonnara and after the cliffs, the beach and the small island of Vendicari. The Sveva Tower as we know it today is the result of various constructions and adaptation works operated already since the 15th century; the last restoration dates...

Tonnara of Vendicari

The tuna fishing has very ancient origins. We have graphic testimonials by engravings and rock paintings which date back to prehistoric times. The techniques of fishing and the tuna production, were refined over time until the Arabs, who spread the system of fixed networks divided into rooms. The same structural diagram is to be found in the Tonnara of Vendicari...

Vendicari Reserve

The natural reserve “Wildlife Oasis of Vendicari” was established in 1984 by the Sicilian Region. It’s located precisely halfway between Noto and Pachino (province of Syracuse) with a territory that extends for about 1512 hectares. Inside the reserve, an entire ecosystem lives undisturbed. You will find yourself frequently in front of breath-taking...

The Flora of Vendicari

Vendicari since it’s “wetland coast area” it’s rich in water, but this abundance is ecologically diminished from their high content of salinity. Therefore, in its ecosystems only plants can live, able to adapt to this particular characteristic. They can do this in two different ways: by becoming halophyte species, (plants equipped with morphological or...

The fauna of Vendicari

Vendicari is definitely among the Italian areas of major interest from the point of ornithology. Its geographical position makes it an ideal place to stop, forming a sort of long bridge toward Africa, a privileged way for the migratory flows to and from northern Europe in autumn and spring. Vendicari, one of the last coastal wetlands of south-eastern Sicily is a true...

History of Vendicari

The Vendicari Nature Reserve was planned by a law of the Region of Sicily in 1981, but it was officially established in 1984, after numerous struggles of environmental groups and many bureaucratic steps. The history of the reserve has very ancient origins. Various archaeological and architectural statements are from the establishment of the man since the Greek era...

Riserva Vendicari